Friday, March 20, 2009

Journey to the Cross: Day 24

We've come to the end of our week and our final day at looking at Jesus through the eyes of His disciple Peter. First, we saw how Peter was called by Jesus. Then we saw yesterday how Peter failed Jesus the night before Christ died.

Fast forward a little bit in the story of Peter. After Jesus died and rose again, he spent a good 40 days on earth before he ascended back to heaven. One of those days included a personal moment with Peter where Jesus brought renewal to his life and calling. It's in John 21. Read all of chapter 21 (just 25 verses).

Now, listen to this amazing podcast of Dr. Joe Stowell, current president of Cornerstone University and former president of Moody Bible Institute. He tells the story of Peter during these last moments with his savior.

Give yourself a half hour to listen to it and take notes. It's well worth it.

The Calling of Peter from Wooster Grace Students on Vimeo.