Today, we're revisiting our look into Peter's life and the way that he saw Jesus. Yesterday, we read Luke 5:1-11 and saw how Peter's life was changed when he witnessed the power and authority of Jesus Christ while out in the fishing boat.
Jesus responds to Peter's shock and amazement of who He is by choosing him to be his disciple. He says, "Don't be afriad; from now on you will catch men."
Jesus was unique in how he chose followers. All other rabbis, or distinguished religious teachers, of Jesus' days had disciples and followers who, more or less, "applied" to be the teacher's follower. Jesus instead pursued ordinary (sometimes uneducated) men who had poor-men's trade skills.
Jesus still pursues ordinary people today to be his followers. You are on of those people.
Watch this video from Ray Vanderlaan, founder of That They May Know Ministries. This clip is from his teaching DVD "In the Dust of the Rabbi."
Jesus Chose You from Wooster Grace Students on Vimeo.