Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Journey to the Cross: Day 21

Have you ever realized that you can sometimes know what a person is like by the friends he has? This week, we’re going to know Jesus through one of his friends, the apostle Peter. Seeing the Son of God through the eyes of Peter might help us love God even more. Let’s start with one of Peter’s first “life changing” moments with Jesus: the time when Jesus called him to leave his life trade of fishing to follow Him as his disciple.

Read Luke 5:1-11.

We challenge you to read it again, but before you do, commit this time to use your imagination. Here are some ideas and things to think about:

  • Put yourself in the scene. Pretend this is a movie. Who is there? What sounds do you hear? What do you smell? What are your visual impressions?
  • The Lake of Gennesaret in the story is another name for the Lake of Galilee, a harp-shaped lake 13 miles long and 6-7 miles across, circled by gently rolling hills.
  • Fact: Open water is a natural amplifier for sound.

  • Fact: Night is often the best time for fishing and shallow areas are the best places.

  • If someone who didn’t possess your skills instructed YOU on your job, how would you feel?

  • Based on His shock and surprise in verse 8, what emotions do you think are at conflict within Peter while he’s in the boat?

  • Why do you think Peter says he is a sinful man?
  • If you’re a hands on person, listen to this sound clip at the bottom of this post while your read (you might have to adjust the volume).

Okay, now read Luke 5:1-11 again.

Is the Jesus Peter sees in this passage the same Jesus you see in your life? If not, why? If Jesus called Peter to catch people for God rather than fish, what has Jesus called you to do with your life – for the next 8 hours; for the next week; for the next month; for the next year?