Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Journey to the Cross: Day 35
Monday, March 30, 2009
Journey to the Cross: Day 34
Eustace, a rather spoiled and selfish child, is cousin to the main characters Lucy and Edmond. On their journey across the ocean with a crew of mythical people and creatures, the ship reaches a island where they dock and stay for a few days before continuing their voyage. Eustace, inflamed that he doesn't get his way on the trip, decides to leave the crew and explore the island. Soon into his exploration, he looses his way within the foggy woods and becomes bewildered.
He finds a dragons cave and climbs in, only to find, not a dragon, but gold and treasure! Greedily, he hoards it for himself. Sitting upon the mountain of treasure, he falls fast asleep, worn out from his exploration. He, then, wakes up later to find himself changed magically by his greedy heart into a dragon.
Perplexed and doomed to live the rest of his life alienated on an island as a dragon, all hope for Eustace seems lost...until he meets Aslan, a mysterious lion who possesses divine-like authority in every story of the Chronicles of Narnia.
Eustace the dragon is terribly afraid of the lion, though he obeys him when the lion tells him to undress himself from his skin. As he scratches off his scales and skin, he is crushed to find layers of skin and scales underneath. He cannot change who he is on his own. Later Eustace recalled:
"Then the lion said --but I don't know if it spoke-- You will have to let me undress you. I was afraid of his claws, I can tell you, but I was pretty nearly desperate now. So I just lay flat down and my back to let him do it.
"The very first tare he made was so deep that I thought it had gone right into my heart. And when he began pulling the skin off, it hurt worse than anything I've ever felt."
...And that's what did it for Eustace. He became a boy again and who he was on the inside was transformed.
In Lewis's Chronicles of Narnia, the character Aslan is symbolic of the Judeo-Christian God. In each of our personal lives, we have or we will come to realize that we can't save ourselves from our own sin. We can change who we are. It takes God the Father, through the work of his Son and ministry of the Holy Spirit, to tare away the dragon skin of our hearts and give us new life. It may hurt to reveal all of who you are to God, but until you do, you're never free.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Journey to the Cross: Day 33
"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."
Is it funny to think of God accepting a type of our religion? What does the word "religion" mean? The word means to perform worship and ceremony to God. It's the outward expression of someone's journey to the cross. God is pleased when we live out our faith and show what we believe by taking ACTION.
High School Ministries committed today to have religion that God accepts by looking after orphans. We're sponsering one orphan from our orphanage in Cambodia. We showed this video at the end of the service. It has footage from Wooster Grace's orphanage with its students and director. Enjoy!
Asia's Hope from Wooster Grace Students on Vimeo.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Journey to the Cross: Day 32
One such man was Dietrich Bonhoeffer. A well known theologian of the 20th century, Bonhoeffer devoted his life to uniting the church and taking action in the name of Jesus Christ. In addition to his ministry in and with the local church, he also joined an secret underground team who's mission was to assasinate Adolf Hitler.
Bonhoeffer has been quoted saying "When Christ calls a man, he bids him to come and die."
How do you respond to that quote? Has Christ called you to follow him? If so, have you died yet? Think hard about that questions. We say this because as Christians in modern times, we sometimes feel entitled to many things that Christ might be calling us to die to. Things like:
- A Retirement package.
- Comfort in life.
- Having the latest technology (cell phone, computer, whatever).
- Privacy.
- Being married and having a family.
- Going to College.
These things aren't bad, but their not the ultimate goal in life. The soul purpose and meaning of life is to follow Jesus. Are you willing to leave behind something if it means following Jesus more closely?
What can you die to (or let go of) this week that you normally feel entitled to have? How could letting go of it help you follow Jesus more closely?
If anyone was a man of his word, it was Bonhoeffer. He followed Jesus all the way to his death. Arrested in April of 1943, he was led to the gallows just two years later. As he passed his inmates as he was escorted out, he told them, "This is the end, but for me it is the beginning of life."
Resources used: Bonhoeffer, Dietrich. Life Together (San Francisco: Harper Collins Pulbishers, 1954), pp. 7-13.
Friday, March 27, 2009
Journey to the Cross: Day 31
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Journey to the Cross: Day 30
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Journey to the Cross: Day 28
Monday, March 23, 2009
Journey to the Cross: Day 27
Ironically enough, Satan, which John 8:44 references as the "father of lies," doesn't want you to forget that either. Satan is an enemy of God and of anyone who follows Jesus Christ. By no means is he as powerful or more powerful than God, but he's still tricky in his schemes against people. One of his greatest tricks is to get people to feel hopeless in their sin. If he can't get people to shrugg off their sin (Romans 1:25), Satan will get people to sink into dispair of what they've done against God.
Shane Barnard and Shane Everett, two recording artists who are commonly referred to as "Shane and Shane," recently wrote a song about the scheme of Satan in our life. Watch this video and listen to their song. The words are provided for you below if you want to select and print them for your private devotion time.
Embracing Accusation
The father of lies -
Coming to steal,
Kill and destroy
All my hopes of being good enough
- I hear him saying:
"Cursed are the ones
Who can't abide."
He's right.
Alleluia he's right!
The devil is preaching
The song of the redeemed,
That I am cursed and gone astray.
I cannot gain salvation.
Embracing accusation.
Could the father of lies
Be telling the truth
Of God to me tonight?
If the penalty of sin is death
Then death is mine
I hear him saying:
"Cursed are the ones
Who can't abide."
He's right.
Alleluia, he's right!
Oh the devil's singing over me
An age old song
That I am cursed and gone astray
Singing the first verse so conveniently
He's forgotten the refrain:
"Jesus saves!"
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Journey to the Cross: Day 26
The Messiah is a 2+ hour orchestoral and choral presentation of Jesus' life. Every word of the oritorio comes from scripture. The beginning part uses words from well known prophetic passages of the Old Testament. It continues through the birth, life, death, and resurrection of Jesus and ending with a slam-bang finish about the triumphant return of Jesus in the end of days.
Such an intense and intricate piece of music was bound to have taken Handel many years to write. Not so! He wrote it at a break-neck speed of 24 days! Barely leaving his study or even eating for three weeks, Handel bent over his manuscripts to craft the story of Jesus through music. All in all, Handel completed 240 pages of manuscript during that time. Friends who came to see him while he composed usually found him overcome with emotion and sobbing as he traced the journey of Jesus all the way to the cross.
Handel journeyed to the cross. Historians said that he wrote while he was consummed with depression. Out of the depth of his heart, he connected with Jesus.
Psalm 147:3 says, "He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds." What a beautiful irony it is that Jesus had to first allow himself to be wounded so that he might bind up the wounds of Handel...and that he might bind up your wounds, too.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Journey to the Cross: Day 25
Friday, March 20, 2009
Journey to the Cross: Day 24
Fast forward a little bit in the story of Peter. After Jesus died and rose again, he spent a good 40 days on earth before he ascended back to heaven. One of those days included a personal moment with Peter where Jesus brought renewal to his life and calling. It's in John 21. Read all of chapter 21 (just 25 verses).
Give yourself a half hour to listen to it and take notes. It's well worth it.
The Calling of Peter from Wooster Grace Students on Vimeo.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Journey to the Cross: Day 23
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Journey to the Cross: Day 22
Jesus responds to Peter's shock and amazement of who He is by choosing him to be his disciple. He says, "Don't be afriad; from now on you will catch men."
Jesus was unique in how he chose followers. All other rabbis, or distinguished religious teachers, of Jesus' days had disciples and followers who, more or less, "applied" to be the teacher's follower. Jesus instead pursued ordinary (sometimes uneducated) men who had poor-men's trade skills.
Jesus still pursues ordinary people today to be his followers. You are on of those people.
Watch this video from Ray Vanderlaan, founder of That They May Know Ministries. This clip is from his teaching DVD "In the Dust of the Rabbi."
Jesus Chose You from Wooster Grace Students on Vimeo.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Journey to the Cross: Day 21
Read Luke 5:1-11.
We challenge you to read it again, but before you do, commit this time to use your imagination. Here are some ideas and things to think about:
- Put yourself in the scene. Pretend this is a movie. Who is there? What sounds do you hear? What do you smell? What are your visual impressions?
- The Lake of Gennesaret in the story is another name for the Lake of Galilee, a harp-shaped lake 13 miles long and 6-7 miles across, circled by gently rolling hills.
- Fact: Open water is a natural amplifier for sound.
- Fact: Night is often the best time for fishing and shallow areas are the best places.
- If someone who didn’t possess your skills instructed YOU on your job, how would you feel?
- Based on His shock and surprise in verse 8, what emotions do you think are at conflict within Peter while he’s in the boat?
- Why do you think Peter says he is a sinful man?
- If you’re a hands on person, listen to this sound clip at the bottom of this post while your read (you might have to adjust the volume).
Okay, now read Luke 5:1-11 again.
Is the Jesus Peter sees in this passage the same Jesus you see in your life? If not, why? If Jesus called Peter to catch people for God rather than fish, what has Jesus called you to do with your life – for the next 8 hours; for the next week; for the next month; for the next year?
Monday, March 16, 2009
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Journey to the Cross: Day 19
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Journey to the Cross: Day 18
Friday, March 13, 2009
Journey to the Cross: Day 17
"When the harvest time approached, he sent his servants to the tenants to collect his fruit. The tenants seized his servants; they beat one, killed another, and stoned a third. Then he sent other servants to them, more than the first time, and the tenants treated them the same way.
"But when the tenants saw the son, they said to each other, 'This is the heir. Come, let's kill him and take his inheritance.' So they took him and threw him out of the vineyard and killed him.
[Jesus asked,] "Therefore, when the owner of the vineyard comes, what will he do to those tenants?"
"He will bring those wretches to a wretched end," they replied, "and he will rent the vineyard to other tenants, who will give him his share of the crop at harvest time."
Jesus said to them, "Have you never read in the Scriptures:
"Therefore I tell you that the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people who will produce its fruit. He who falls on this stone will be broken to pieces, but he on whom it falls will be crushed."
When the chief priests and the Pharisees heard Jesus' parables, they knew he was talking about them. They looked for a way to arrest him, but they were afraid of the crowd because the people held that he was a prophet.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Journey to the Cross: Day 16
Anna’s journey to know Jesus Christ including “fasting.” Today, let’s take a look at the discipline of fasting and see how you can do it in your life.
What is Fasting?
Fasting is when you stop doing something you normally do for a period of time to focus on Christ. That “something” can sometimes be what you’ve recently been substituting for God. For example, when you’re weary from a hard day, you turn to that “something” instead of God. Maybe your "something" is:
- T.V.
- Recreational Shopping
- Food
- Texting
- Etc, etc, etc…
But let’s get this strait - when you fast, or stop doing that “something,” the purpose is not to simply suffer. It’s so you can be separated or set apart for only Jesus and concentrate on godliness. Fasting also doesn’t earn you anything. Christ already died so you can have favor with God.
What is the benefit of fasting from food?
There are many benefits from fasting, some obvious and some not so obvious. First, if you’re fasting from food, the blood that your body uses normally to digest food becomes available for greater mental concentration. Additionally, when your body is without food, that allows it to eliminate a lot of the its toxins. Ever struggle focusing when you’re praying? Refraining from eating can actually help you focus spiritually!
But what are the spiritual benefits?
The AIM of fasting is not the physical benefits (even if it helps you lose a few pounds). Instead, it helps you to enjoy God’s presence in your life. It also helps the intensity of your prayer (Luke 2:37) and your repentance (Joel 2:12). Fasting from anything, whether it be food or not, also:
- releases the Holy Spirit to do his revival work within us.
- reduces the power of "self."
- helps purify us spiritually.
- brings yieldedness, even holy brokenness, resulting in inner calm and self-control.
- renews spiritual vision.
- helps us see what normally controls us (for example, if you’re addicted to caffeine, you realize it controls you when you go through withdrawal!)
- A “normal fast” is defined as not eating food, but drinking water. An “absolute fast” is known as not eating OR drinking. We suggest that if you’ve never fasted before, you try a “normal fast” first. You can also do a “juice fast” which is abstaining from all food but drinking nutritious juice to keep your body up.
- Don’t fast to impress others. Better yet, keep it just between you and God. However, if you’re a middle school or high school student, it might be good to let at least your parents know you’re doing this (tell them why you want to do it, too).
- Start by fasting from one or two meals. That would be like not eating dinner one night (and no snacking either!). Another good challenge would to not eat for 24 hours. The best way to do this is to eat supper one night and not eat again until the next night’s supper.
- Finally, have a purpose why you fast (Zechariah 7:5; 1 Corinthians 13:3). Are you spiritually dry in your walk with God? Are you going through a tough time and need to focus on the power of God in your life? Are you healing from a past sin or mistake? Fasting might be a good idea.
Whether you fast or not during your journey to the cross, we hope you pursue Jesus Christ in your priorities and choices in the coming weeks ahead. See you back here tomorrow!
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Journey to the Cross: Day 15
View and Print the lyrics to "Arithmetic" by Brooke Fraser. Be sure to tuck the print out in your Bible so you can think about the words during your devotional time.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Journey to the Cross: Day 14
I think it’s so important for us to see that God exists in Trinity (one God in three persons) all the way from eternity past to eternity future. He has never and will never cease to exist as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. If He ceases, then He is no longer God and we no longer have salvation through Him. We see in eternity past that God existed as Trinity by God the Father creating the universe, the Spirit is present and hovering over the waters, and the Son is the one Word the Father created everything by and for (John 1:1-3, 17:24). In the New Testament at Jesus’ baptism, we see the Son being baptized, the Father speaking out, and the Spirit indwelling Jesus as a dove (Matt 3:16-17). In eternity future, we see the Father and the Son (the Lamb) ruling from the throne, and we see the Spirit continuing life like a river does for fish, plants, etc (Rev 22:1-2, Ezekiel 47:1-12). Forever and ever, God is Trinity. Do you know Him like this? Do you pray to the Father, through the power of the Spirit for the glory of the Son (Eph 3:15-17)?
Monday, March 9, 2009
Journey to the Cross: Day 13
- The tiny clenched hand of a baby that would someday be ruthlessly wrenched open and nailed to a Roman cross for the sin and guilt of the world.
- Hands that were too small to reach up and touch the noses of the animals, yet one day would reach out to the crowds to unstop deaf ears, open blind eyes and raise the dead.
- Eyes that were unable to follow the swishing tails or swaying heads of the animals, but one day would be able to look on the crowds of people and say 'the fields are white for harvest.'
- Feet not yet able to stand up, but later would stride through the corridors of the centuries shedding light on dark hearts, easing people's sorrows, taking away sin and bringing joy to life.
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Journey to the Cross: Day 12
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Journey to the Cross: Day 11
Friday, March 6, 2009
Journey to the Cross: Day 10
A waiter?
Community work?
Cell phone signal?
Let's take a look at what Jesus thought about service. Matthew 20:28 records him saying:
"...just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many."
Jesus' definition of service included sacrifice. Jesus served us by giving his life up in death.
When was the last time you sacrificed something costly to you when you served someone else? Do a self-check and see if you've given up any of these in the last week for someone else:
- you time
- your money
- your health
- your rescources
- your reputation
God created you to serve like Jesus served. Jesus service was meant to be multiplied through actions of His followers, even in the 21st century.
First, finish this statement: "I can serve _____________ (insert specific person's name) by March 13th by sacrificing _________________.
Now, act out on that statement and serve that person. By next Friday, you will have served and sacrificed like Jesus.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Journey to the Cross: Day 9
"This man [Jesus] was handed over to you by God's set purpose and foreknowledge; and you, with the help of wicked men, put him to death by nailing him to the cross." (v. 23; emphasis added).
What I always find fascinating is that Jesus was handed over to be killed according to God's purpose. In other words, God the father was responsible for the son's death. How heartless! This should sound ridiculous, seeing as the end of 1 John 4:9 says, "...God is love." How does God the Father killing God the Son seem loving at all?
I guess others have thought the same thing, because recently, a book entitled The Lost Message of Jesus has been put out by Zondervan asking the very same question. The author writes that the belief of God putting Jesus to death for the sins of the world is like "... a form of cosmic child abuse - a vengeful Father, punishing his Son for an offence he has not even committed" (p. 182).
Is the cross of Christ a contradiction to God's love? Is it all just "cosmic child abuse"?
Check out this video of Pastor Mark Driscoll answering this question. Feel free to queck out the rest of the church's website.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Journey to the Cross: Day 8
"Love Lustres at Calvary." What does that mean? I went to dictionary.com to look up the definition of lustres. First of all, it was a british varient of "luster," but besides that the very first definition was:
"the state or quality of shining by reflecting light; glitter, sparkle, sheen, or gloss: the luster of satin."
I happened to like the third definition as well:
"radiant or luminous brightness; brilliance; radiance."
So, maybe the phrase is trying to say, at the place where Jesus was crucified (which is what Calvary means), the act of love shown bright. At the cross, there was a glow, a brillance, a light. That radiance came from the act of love that Jesus showed us.
Highlight with your mouse the prayer below. Select "print" from the file menu. Instead of printing the whole blog, click "selection" and then "print." Then take the prayer with you on your devotions so you can read it and pray it as if it were your own words.
Love Lustres at Calvary
“My Father,
Enlarge my heart, warm my affections,
open my lips, supply words that proclaim:
‘Love lustres at Calvary.’
There grace removes my burdens and heaps them on thy Son,
made a transgressor, a curse, and sin for me;
There the sword of thy justice
smote the man, thy fellow;
There thy infinite attributes were magnified,
and infinite atonement was made;
There infinite punishment was due,
and infinite punishment was endured.
Christ was all anguish that I might be all joy,
cast off that I might be brought in,
trodden down as an enemy that I might be welcomed as a friend,
surrendered to hell’s worst that I might attain heaven’s best,
stripped that I might be clothed,
wounded that I might be healed,
athirst that I might drink,
tormented that I might be comforted,
made a shame that I might inherit glory,
entered darkness that I might have eternal light.
My Saviour wept that all tears might be wiped from my eyes,
groaned that I might have endless song,
endured all pain that I might have unfading health,
bore a thorny crown that I might have a glory-diadem,
bowed his head that I might uplift mine,
experienced reproach that I might receive welcome,
closed his eyes in death that I might gaze on unclouded brightness,
expired that I might for ever live.
O Father, who spared not thine only Son
that thou mightest spare me,
All this transfer thy love designed and accomplished;
Help me to adore thee by lips and life.
O that my every breath might be ecstatic praise,
my every step buoyant with delight,
as I see my enemies crushed,
Satan baffled, defeated, destroyed,
sin buried in the ocean of reconciling blood,
hell’s gates closed, heaven’s portal open.
Go forth, O conquering God, and show me the cross,
mighty to subdue, comfort and save.”
Bennet, Arthur, ed. Valley of Vision (Edinburgh: Banner of Truth, 1975), p. 44.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Journey to the Cross: Day 5
The director, Mel Gibson, found this to be a capstone work of his career, not just because of the granduer of the project, but also because of what it meant to him. He allegedly was the man in the film who put the nail to Jesus' hand and held the hammer that at last drove it through. While his face and body were off-screen, his hands were shown doing this. His decision to do this signals his personal involvement and participation in the sin that Jesus had to die for.
It's a reminder that we are invovled in the death of Christ as well. Our sin forced the nails through his flesh, too.
Below is the clip from the movie when Mel Gibson puts the nail to Christ's hand. Before Easter, rent the film and watch it for yourself (if you are under 17 years old, be sure to ask your parents). You might want to spend time before hand being silent and preparing yourself for what you'll see. As a disclaimer, the clip below also contains some graphic violence.