"Maundy Thursday honors the memory of the final Passover Jesus celebrated as His Last Supper with His disciples. Maundy Thursday gets its name from a Latin church anthem, the first line of which reads, “Mandatum novum do vobis,” or “a new commandment I give to you” (John 13:34)." expert taken from "The Reformed Evangelist"
By that night, Jesus had spent every day of his life for the last three years with his disciples. They ate together, lodged together, experienced life together. And with the weight of his death looming over him, Jesus understands the power of this night - his last one before his death.
So scripture records he did something special for His disciples. John 13:1 says, "It was just before the Passover Feast. Jesus knew that the time had come for him to leave this world and go to the Father. Having loved his own who were in the world, he now showed them the full extent of his love."
What Jesus did was wash His disciples feet, a true act of humility. And that's who Jesus was. He wasn't a criminal. He wasn't an insurrectionist. He didn't have a political ax to grind.
"He was in the world, and through the world was made through him, the world did not recgonize him. He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him." ~ John 1:10, 11
"...the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many." ~ Matthew 20:28
"And being found in the appearance as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient to death - even death on a cross!" ~ Philippians 2:8
Maundy Thursday from Wooster Grace Students on Vimeo.