Mary of Bethany
Mary of Bethany was sister to Martha and was known for sitting at Jesus' feet to listen to his teaching (while her poor sister did all the work). The truth is that Mary knew which was better. While doing stuff for Christ is great, stopping to spend time with Jesus is even better. How have you stopped "doing" for Jesus this week and just spent time with him? If you haven't, we suggest you stop reading now and spend time with Jesus. Go on a walk with Him and talk with God. That's what Mary of Bethany would have done.
Mary also had a key role the week of Jesus' death. While Jesus was relaxing at a friends house with his disciples, Mary burst into the room. She had a mission and regardless of what others thought, she had to do it. She took a bottle of expensive perfume (about a year's wages), poured the contents all over Jesus feet, and started drying His feet with her hair. Is that wasteful? Jesus didn't think so. He said:
"She has done a beautiful thing to me...She did what she could. She poured perfume on my body beforehand to prepare for my burial. I tell you the truth, wherever the gospel is preached throughout the world, what she has done will also be told, in memory of her." ~ Mark 14:6, 8, 9.
Wow, powerful words from Jesus. We're not sure how much Mary knew about Jesus' fate on the cross at that moment, but we do know this: She understood that life is too short not to worship God for all that He is.
So how about you? Have you failed to give God all of your worship? Take this challenge this today:
1) Read Matthew 26:6-13; Mark 14:1-11; and John 12:1-11
2) Go on a walk and talk with God about who He is and why you love Him.