Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Journey to the Cross: Day 1

Welcome to the first day of the journey.

Imagine this:

Waking up before dawn.
Getting dressed in the dark.
Grabbing your backpack.
Lacing up your hiking boots.
Stepping outside your front door.

You’re on a journey. To the cross.

Instead of your neighborhood before you,
You see mountains and wilderness.
Instead of a sidewalk,
A trail.

How will you find your way to the cross?

Just follow the footprints of Christ;
Look for the line in the dirt
That the cross made as Jesus drug it along.
Observe the blood from his scratched back and forehead
That has dotted the way.

You’re on a journey. To the cross.

1 Peter 2:24 says, “He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, so that we might die to sin and live to righteousness.”

Read that verse again

(no, I’m serious).

Now read it again.
And again.

Take some time to step away from the computer to compose some thoughts. Rip a page out of a notebook and write a letter to God. Tell Him what you’re excited about in this journey until April 10th (Good Friday). Tell Him your doubts about it. Tell Him what you absolutely desire to happen. The journey to the cross is not a stroll through the park. It’s the road that Jesus took first, and He wants you to follow.

So write that letter to God as a prayer. Tell Him your thoughts. We'll see you right back here tomorrow.