Read Luke 5:1-11.
We challenge you to read it again, but before you do, commit this time to use your imagination. Here are some ideas and things to think about:
Okay, now read Luke 5:1-11 again.
Is the Jesus Peter sees in this passage the same Jesus you see in your life? If not, why? If Jesus called Peter to catch people for God rather than fish, what has Jesus called you to do with your life – for the next 8 hours; for the next week; for the next month; for the next year?
But let’s get this strait - when you fast, or stop doing that “something,” the purpose is not to simply suffer. It’s so you can be separated or set apart for only Jesus and concentrate on godliness. Fasting also doesn’t earn you anything. Christ already died so you can have favor with God.
What is the benefit of fasting from food?There are many benefits from fasting, some obvious and some not so obvious. First, if you’re fasting from food, the blood that your body uses normally to digest food becomes available for greater mental concentration. Additionally, when your body is without food, that allows it to eliminate a lot of the its toxins. Ever struggle focusing when you’re praying? Refraining from eating can actually help you focus spiritually!
But what are the spiritual benefits?
The AIM of fasting is not the physical benefits (even if it helps you lose a few pounds). Instead, it helps you to enjoy God’s presence in your life. It also helps the intensity of your prayer (Luke 2:37) and your repentance (Joel 2:12). Fasting from anything, whether it be food or not, also:
Whether you fast or not during your journey to the cross, we hope you pursue Jesus Christ in your priorities and choices in the coming weeks ahead. See you back here tomorrow!
God created you to serve like Jesus served. Jesus service was meant to be multiplied through actions of His followers, even in the 21st century.
First, finish this statement: "I can serve _____________ (insert specific person's name) by March 13th by sacrificing _________________.
Now, act out on that statement and serve that person. By next Friday, you will have served and sacrificed like Jesus.